Breeder of German Shorthaired Pointers and Bracco Italianos


Phone: 01455 324531

Mobile: 07719 775213

Sparkenhoe Gundog Breeds

German Shorthaired Pointers

The German Shorthaired Pointer is an excellent all-round gun dog, yet equally at home in the show ring or as a amily pet. As a breed, the GSP is energetic, easy to train, and very affectionate.  As well as being outstanding Hunt Point Retrieve gundogs, the GSP also excels at agility and Cannicross. As the name suggests, the German Shorthaired Pointer (or Jaghund) originally came from Germany, where it was bred as a working dog. The breed became more recognised in the UK after the 2nd World War when they were brought back to Britain by returning troops. The GSPs were first registered in their own right by the Kennel Club in 1954 and the following year the breed was granted ‘Championship’ status at the annual show.

Sparkenhoe liver and black GSPs

Laura Angus breeds all colours and regularly has German Shorthaired Pointer puppies for sale. The colour varieties are Liver and Liver-ticked and Black and Black-ticked. If you are considering having a Bracco Italiano or German Shorthaired Pointer puppy or adult dog, contact Laura Angus on 01455 697662 or 07719 775213. You can also email Laura at, or complete the form on the Contact us page.

Bracco Italiano

The Bracco Italiano is a rare breed of medium-size, and is a member of the HPR (Hunt, Point and Retrieve) category. Coming originally from Italy, the Bracco is an ancient hunting breed and it’s origins date back to the 4th or 5th Century.

Braccos are full of character, are gentle and friendly, good with children and make exceptional pets. If you are looking for a gun dog, a family pet or a dog to show, a Bracco Italiano puppy is an excellent choice.

Braccos – orange and chestnut

Braccos come in two main colours: orange or chestnut. Both can have varying amounts of white or roaning, but are never solid colours.

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